Many attorneys refer cases to Mahaffey & Gore, P.C. or associate with us. Why?
- Perhaps you are a lawyer who has taken on a case that appeared to be manageable upon intake. Suddenly you have realized that it is too big and that you need some support.
- Or maybe you have limited resources to finance a case or limited interest in handling the particular type of case and feel it’s in the best interest of your clients to bring Mahaffey & Gore in on the case.
We can simply manage the technical aspects of the case while you maintain contact with your client or we can take on the case as if it were our own. In either alternative, we will keep you apprised of the progress and status of your client’s case. Whether you refer a client or co-counsel with us, our commitment remains the same. Our years of experience with many successful verdicts and settlements give your client the best chance of quick and fair resolution of the case.
If you are regional or national counsel for a client that needs local representation, let our seasoned attorneys use their knowledge, experience and resources to assist you and your client. Mahaffey & Gore are thoroughly familiar with the role of local counsel, but we are also able to provide as much assistance as needed in the resolution of your case while you maintain client contact.
Whether you refer the entire case or simply prefer to counsel with Mahaffey & Gore, our commitment to diligence and excellence remains the same. Our years of experience in handling litigation give you the assurance of the best possible outcome in your case.